Thursday, April 5, 2007

men at work

Today a short but hard workday -- we hauled dirt. And hauled and hauled. Three guys with shovels filled buckets, a bucket brigade sent the buckets to the window to be dumped in a growing pile in the courtyard, and the empty buckets got sent back to the diggers. Once we got into a groove we moved, and cleared maybe 8 yards of dirt by lunchtime. In the afternoon we were sore and tired, so we took a break and headed to the Internet cafe. In the evening we visted the house Arpi is building in the country.


Unknown said...

Terry, Thanks for this great blog! How does the skylight look? How is your weather? Hugs to the Deva folk, Lee

Gillian said...

Hiya. Sounds like a good time, even if labor intensive. Looking forward to see photos and you.


Doug said...

Watching the blog and looking forward to seeing your faces and hearing the tales.
Travel well,

Lynn said...

Enjoying your entries immensely! Thank you for keeping us posted. Sounds like you are working and playing hard. Well wishes to all and a special hug to Bill :-)


Marci said...

Terry, Ed's at work and I'm enjoying reading about, and seeing the adventures of some of my favorite people. This is truly an amazing time we are living in! Hugs and best wishes to all.


Marsha said...

HI Terry & guys, Great to hear your voice yesterday. Enjoy the last few days of your journey. Taxes & repay pet care await you. Love, Marsha

Terry Dawson said...

Thanks guys, for the comments. Happy Easter to all.

The weather here is gorgeous, and the skylight is very much a work in progress -- its final design the subject of some debate in the Deva congregation. Stay tuned!

Love, peace, doves & serpents,
Terry et al.