Had an extremely productive day working on the church. Got a large 20x40') parquet floor removed and managed to preserve most of the wood, with much care. Also got the sub-flooring and a course of beam pulled out, bringing it down to bare dirt, which we will excavate & level tomorrow for a new poured sub-floor. Had a bunch of men from the church working, few of them as long or hard as Danis Baci, the lay leader who is in his 70s. We had a few disagreements as to what to do and how to do it -- the floor removal being slightly controversial. But everybody pitched in and we got a lot done.
After supper we visited the home Erzebet, the church treasurer and her husaband Arpad. Arpad is 72 and speaks German, so he and Tony and I have been conversing in German. their son Arpi was there, and their grand-daughter Antonia. Antonia is the cause of some despair to Zoli, as she speaks mostly Romanian and probably will not attend Hungarian school. But we had a nice visit, gave them some money for their church, and then Arpi helped us find the Internet cafe.
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