Thursday, June 7, 2007

Orange VA

Stopped morning walk by this little brook & ivy covered tree.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Souvenir from the Citadel

On Saturday, April 7, our Deva pilgrims and host friends climbed the Citadel Hill in Deva. On the way, young Orsy Mate too great delight in picking the wildflowers that grew everywhere and offering them to us. We didn't know if it was okay to be picking wildflowers, but hey, we were the guests and it was her town. Besides, as Robert Heinlein said: "Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse."

I took the flowers Orsy gave me and pressed them with kleenex in the small photo album I carried. My mom has a hobby of laminating dried flowers, and makes her own notecards as well as occasional framed gifts. So once back in the states, I gave her the flowers from Orsy and asked her to do what she could. The result was this very nice framed keepsake.
In one of life's small symmetries, Orsy picked the flowers two days after her birthday, and my mom gave me the framed flowers two days after my birthday a couple month later. Thanks, ladies!